Trouver de nouvelles façons d’interagir avec les citoyens
Que diriez-vous de services publics sans argent liquide ?
La plateforme d’administration électronique SmartVista est conçue pour créer, à terme, un gouvernement sans argent liquide. Elle permet de collecter des impôts, de distribuer des subventions et de verser des prestations, pour ne citer que quelques exemples. Toute une gamme d’API peut être utilisée pour s’intégrer aux systèmes nécessaires pour offrir, gérer et contrôler les services publics dans l’environnement de votre choix.
Digital Financial ID Platform
The solution allows users to issue, store and share verified digital credentials. It offers quick onboarding of citizens onto the government network, accessing multiple government-connected services, national marketplaces, ATM networks, educational, health, insurance or tax organisations through one entry credential with face, fingerprint, voice authentication. Shared KYC credentials can also be used across both financial and non-financial institutions, increasing transparency and accuracy of data. These solutions can also be powered by blockchain technology based on a distributed ledger.

National wallets for social benefits payments
According to the World bank, 47% of government expenses worldwide go on subsidies and transfers. Lots of them are still cash-based. BPC offers a convenient and user-friendly tool for automation and organisation of subsidies for social segments of citizens for health, scholarships, grants, pensions, maternity, insurance, and public transportation through a single digital wallet. Solution unlocks instant P2P, G2P, P2G transactions, meanwhile providing multiple interfaces that enable a real-time monitoring and distribution of governmen
Customs always green
Country scale imports of goods usually involve large volume transactions which are subject to fraud and corruption. BPC offers digitalisation of all customs payments through its transactional platform to allow individuals and businesses to make payments electronically through the customs portal powered by BPC digital platform with credit and debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. The portal can be integrated with the customs management system, allowing for real-time tracking and updates on payment status.
Less pain more gain
E-Government solution by BPC enables tax authorities to automate VAT tax calculation and payment processes, minimising errors and reducing the risk of non-compliance. The solution supports invoicing and processing of government and municipal taxes such as retail tax, fines and penalties along with refunds and return, both online and offline, while providing a standard audit format allowing Tax Collection units access and review the records, ensuring the taxpayers are compliant when submitting the taxes through the portal.
Transparency and transactions monitoring
Improve transparency with digitalisation of tax and payout streams. Monitor and manage cash flows and revenue streams through generated reports and online portal. Make forecasts and budget targets for future periods.
Self-service and automation
Government authorities can drastically reduce the human error, time and resources required for processing transactions and applications, ultimately leading to significant cost savings.
SmartVista eGovernment
Making a difference
- Faster unified payment system
- Smart, digital governance
- Reduction in fraud and corruption
- Acceptance of various payment methods
- Centralised fare collection and payouts
Working for you
- Unification of government streams
- Forecasting reports for budgeting
- VAT tax automatic calculation
- Faster and automated payment cycles
- Easy subsidy allocation
Working for your customers
- Social wallets
- Single sign-in
- Subsidy distribution
- Benefit payments
Related products

Real-time Payments

Automated Fare Collection
BPC’s Automated Fare Collection module offers operators of public transport services efficient ways to collect fares: across any device, contactless,fast, clean and secure. This way they can provide simple and convenient payment options to make the service attractive to passengers and easy to manage for the operators.

eWallets offers everything a classical wallet would offer and more. Digital wallets all start from the same core value proposition: offering mobile payments at large without the need for a bank account. This takes us to the next level of cash freedom anywhere: convenience and safety of a cashless future.

The BPC e-commerce modules are easy to integrate with almost any CMS, in order to optimise the transaction flow. No need to worry about currencies either, you select the ones you need, and the system will cover any. Connection is key, so you can offer your ecommerce solutions on any device needed without limitations.

In contrast with traditional markets, a digital marketplace enables buyers and sellers of all walks of life to discover items and opportunities quickly without physically meeting at a particular time and location. This way, digital platforms facilitate greater reach and direct delivery to the buyer; faster, fresher, wider.